😼 Unkind Colosseum

You are placed into the colosseum where you'll have to fight an opponent to the death. There is a gigantic cage in front of you, requiring 4 staff members to open it up. Inside, it looks empty, until you look down and see a tiny kitten with fluffy orange fur. What will you do?

Kill the kitten →

Let the kitten kill you →

Time Travel Tuesday - Choose Your Own Adventure Story

Table of Contents (Warp Zone)

Bat Cavern
Dinosaur Times!
M c D a r k n e s s
Quizzical Castle
Religious Building
Silly Southeast
Unkind Colosseum

More Choose Your Own Adventures

Kyle Bob's Bar Crawl
HaUnTeD HoUsE oF HeCk
Silicon Dune Adventure
MadagascArkansas Adventure
Time Travel Tuesday
Application Mountain Adventure
Ralph Street Shenanigans
Farmer's Market Mayhem

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