💧 Soapy Sewers

You open the chest quickly, and it starts to suck you into itself. You are transported to an alternate universe, where you learn the meaning of life but then immediately forget it again. All you remember is that at some point a guy named Jacob gave you your yo-yo back. Yay! You did it!

Do it again →

HaUnTeD HoUsE oF HeCk - A Chooooseable Adventure

Table of Contents (Warp Zone)

Bathing Room
Haunted Ground Floor
Floor 13
Haunted Trailway
Heck Headquarters
Hell (Heck Squared)
Semi-Scary Cemetery
Soapy Sewers
Toy Store R Us

More Choose Your Own Adventures

Kyle Bob's Bar Crawl
HaUnTeD HoUsE oF HeCk
Silicon Dune Adventure
MadagascArkansas Adventure
Time Travel Tuesday
Application Mountain Adventure
Ralph Street Shenanigans
Farmer's Market Mayhem

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