🏈 Whisky Rum Stadium

You go to a basketball game to find that they have now allowed dogs to become team members. One team has 3 Golden Retrievers, 1 Labrador Retriever, and 8 people. They're known as the Lappers. The other team has 11 pugs and 1 guy with crutches. They're known as the Panters. Which team will you root for?

Home Team (Lappers) →

Visitor Team (Panters) →

Kyle Bob's Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Table of Contents (Warp Zone)

ABCDEFG Movie Theater
"BAR" Bar
"BAR" Bar Open Mic Stage
Billy Bob Boulevard
Cremation Station
Hokey Pokey Karaoke
Ouch Avenue
Ralph Street
Stubby Boo Boo Hospital
Tim's Taxidermy
Toy Train Timeshare
Whisky Rum Stadium

More Choose Your Own Adventures

Kyle Bob's Bar Crawl
HaUnTeD HoUsE oF HeCk
Silicon Dune Adventure
MadagascArkansas Adventure
Time Travel Tuesday
Application Mountain Adventure
Ralph Street Shenanigans
Farmer's Market Mayhem

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