🛬 Plane of Receding Airlines

Your face smashes against the screen as the plane makes impact, and the chemicals in your brain combine with the projection electricity memory in an advanced scientific way. You are trapped in a time loop of watching the two snails over and over as your last second of consciousness is stretched into another lifetime.

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MadagascArkansas Adventure - Choose Your Own Story

Table of Contents (Warp Zone)

Birch Beach
Hickory Docks
Ocean-Gulf Bay
Plane of Receding Airlines
Questiony Bridge
Spamazon Rainforest

More Choose Your Own Adventures

Kyle Bob's Bar Crawl
HaUnTeD HoUsE oF HeCk
Silicon Dune Adventure
MadagascArkansas Adventure
Time Travel Tuesday
Application Mountain Adventure
Ralph Street Shenanigans
Farmer's Market Mayhem

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