🌉 Questiony Bridge

The bridgekeeper thinks for a moment and can't seem to remember the answer either. He continues, "If a pony's mane is pulled into a ponytail, is it still called a ponytail? What if you braid the pony's actual tail into pigtails, what then?"

"I don't know." →

"I have no idea." →

MadagascArkansas Adventure - Choose Your Own Story

Table of Contents (Warp Zone)

Birch Beach
Hickory Docks
Ocean-Gulf Bay
Plane of Receding Airlines
Questiony Bridge
Spamazon Rainforest

More Choose Your Own Adventures

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HaUnTeD HoUsE oF HeCk
Silicon Dune Adventure
MadagascArkansas Adventure
Time Travel Tuesday
Application Mountain Adventure
Ralph Street Shenanigans
Farmer's Market Mayhem

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